Photoshoot in the river port of Castelnaudary. Eugénie Smirnova — your photographer in Toulouse and South of France

It was great collaboration with Rocío Mauduit CEO of Danfluvial company (river boats tourism) from Cadis, Spain. She operates in Spain and France and needed professional photoshoot in Castelnaudary to get photos for her new website and media.

So she found me through the Instagram, wrote me an inquiry and we organise a great shooting. 

Castelnaudary’s canals were ideal for capturing the essence of riverboat tourism. We took photos of Rocio on one of the boats she is offering for rent. By the way to drive this boat you do not need the licence.  The charming surroundings added a touch of authenticity and warmth to the shoot.

Photoshoot in the river port of Castelnaudary. Eugénie Smirnova — your photographer in Toulouse and South of France

If you are interested in river cruises in France do not hesitate to contact Rocio and she will definitely find you interesting option just for you
Photoshoot in the river port of Castelnaudary. Eugénie Smirnova — your photographer in Toulouse and South of France

And I with pleasure will organise a great professional photoshoot for you and your company

Sincerely Eugenie Smirnova — photographer in Castelnaudary and Toulouse

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